Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lange Nacht Der Kirche

Similar to the Long Night of the Museums, Vienna had a long night of churches on Friday night. The best part of this night is that everything is free. So with plan in hand I set out.

First stop: Annakirche. I saw a boys choir that I thought was the Vienna Boys Choir, but I'm pretty sure wasn't.

Second stop: Karlskirche. I had hoped to get tickets to go up to the dome, but didn't manage to get there in time. But, I was able to enjoy a clarinetist in the outside park.

Third stop: Stephansdom. This was by far the highlight of my night. Standing in a huge cathedral with the organ blasting around me was amazing. The nearest I've felt to being in Winds since college.

We also climbed the 343 steps to the "Steffl," the south tower of the church. Out of these windows we could see some of the major sights of Vienna.

1 comment:

leslie.kidd said...

I need to go next year! Looks like fun! Was it filled w/ people?